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The most controversial issue of the times: Puff Diddy's Freakoff Parties
Commented in style, with a driving beat.
About our Country:
Our Civilization is endangered!
We live a significant Government lie.
Technology, especially Social Media, has changed and is still changing our lives profoundly as we never dreamt. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others are integral parts of ourselves nowadays. Leaving our homes without a cell phone, sometimes more than one, is unthinkable. We would not function. People walk the streets like zombies looking at their cells, banging each other without excusing their rudeness. And now, a menacing AI (Artificial Intelligence) manipulated by greedy Woke executives is invading our lives while we, including our politicians, mostly ignore its peril or even how it works. Jobs' replacement by robots forever is the immediate consequence, but not all; rampant inflation is eating our paycheck; it's terrifying. Politics are out of control, dividing us, forgetting that if we fail as a Nation, it will be from within, not outside. Still, the World and we hope to retake the successful path we had for over 240 years. We must listen to our ancestors, avoid Postmodern Liberalism, or try to imitate China's CCP and cherish Conservatism's wise advice. We are leaving behind a racism war to enter a classist one; Simultaneously, we must re-examine Classic Liberalism, accept the discerning, and reject the unwise.
Alarmed by the new AI technology "handlers," Google and Microsoft, Elon Musk suggest pausing AI. However, I advise us to consult history and Vedic Philosophy before continuing to a better future. China won't stop AI research and will take advantage of any minute of our meditation pause. They've been copying us as a base for their development and advancement and will continue to do it, especially now that they are detecting our weak Government and open borders. World domination is their obsession! Our democratic values, with God's help, will prevail in the future with humans' help. Hopefully
About Music, and the Music Business:
Electronic music with a human touch.
For over 50 years, electronic sounds were made with the main intention to replace acoustic or electric instruments on the recordings and live performances. Some Producers attempted to break away and alter the sounds, so they could bring new alternative sounds into modern music.
Since 2010, some Producers began to make the expected change, giving Electronic Music, its own identity by including original electronic sounds, totally new for our ears. The public reacted in a very positive way.
These days, those electronic sounds, are very popular among the music lovers and there's a tendency to continue the pattern. Being that I've been musically educated under the old fashion school, with Rimsky Korsakov's text in my night table, my approach has been always to combine both schools and not let the mechanic sound and feel of electronic sounds, to prevail in my productions, generally adding some live playing, not quantized, to achieve my goal: To preserve the musicianship but using the new sounds and technology. Without judging or demeaning the producers that work only with samples (they have created a different art of combining pieces originally recorded by others) they've been re-arranging music in the style of a Disc Jockey (D.J.) providing the market with tunes that with a strong rhythm section are making the people dance in the clubs and at home. In my case, I've decided to preserve and combine some "live" playing to integrate it to the new electronic trend and style. So, here are muy productions, I hope you will enjoy them.
Some of my pictures, videos and food:

What my Mom used to call: my baby.

Central Park Reservoir Lake - My favorite walk
J. Pelegrin



At home, with a Krishna's painting.
My favorite picture of me, haha.:
Rio de Janeiro(1982)


Sun rising in "Brava" beach (Punta del Este) after a long night making music, listening to the recorded tracks.

Punta del Este, Uruguay, it's a source of musical inspiration. The beaches, the nightlife, the landmark, has inspired me to compose and it will in the future.
"At the red carpet "2015 BEVERLY HILLS FILM FESTIVAL"
At the Film Festival Red Carpet With my old friend Elgin McNeal

Film Directors Paz Ochoa, Nick Cavalier and
J. Pelegrin at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

With Brazilian Show Director Daniela Brazil, at the Beverly Hills Hotel Film Festival.
My best thought:
the Scientific view of creation.

The only truth is knowledge.
The only miracle is God.
Dairy-Vegetarian; food for the soul